Small Cell

  • GH6006-08109

    8109 60”x2” 6-Port Outdoor Whip Antenna with 0° & 10° Fixed Tilt [1695-2200 & 1695-2690 MHz]

  • GO6008-07807

    7807 8-Port Outdoor Omni Whip Antenna with 0° Fixed Tilt [1695-2200, 1695-2690 MHz]

  • GP1510-07890

    7890 10-Port 65° Directional Panel Antenna [698-896, 1695-2690, 3300-4200MHz]

  • GO6012-07946

    7946 12-Port Outdoor Omni Whip Antenna with 0° & 10° Fixed Tilt [1695-2200/1695-2690 and 3550-3980 MHz]

  • GO5006-07058

    7058 50” 6-Port Omni Whip/Mini-Canister Antenna [617-896 & 1695-2690 MHz]

  • GQ2420-07841-ABC

    07841 2’ 20-Port Quasi-Omni Canister Antenna [698-896, 1695-2690 & 3300-4200 MHz]

  • GH2432-07840-ABCD

    07840 2’ 32-Port Hybrid Canister Antenna Antenna [1695-2690, 3300-4200 MHz]

  • GQ2416-07839-ABC

    07839 16-Port Quasi-Omni Canister Antenna [1695-2690, 3300-4200 MHz]

  • GP2422-07512

    7512 22-Port 65° Small Cell Panel Antenna [ 1695-2690, 3300-3550/3700-4000 and 3550-3700 & 5150-5925 MHz]

  • GP2414-07331

    7331 14-Port Multi-Band 45° Directional Panel Antenna [698-896, 1695-2690, 3300-4200 and 5150-5925 MHz]

  • GO5108-07717


    7717 8-Port Outdoor Omni Whip Antenna [1695-2690 and 3300-4200 MHz]

  • GQ2408-07583

    GQ2408-07583 2′ 8-Port Quasi-Omni Pattern Canister Antenna [617-746 and 1695-2690 MHz]

  • GQ2408-07734

    7734 8-Port Quasi-Omni Pattern Antenna [1695-2690 MHz]

Product Finder

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By Height

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Mid Band 2 Frequency Range

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